10 African Countries With The Best Educational System 2022

According to Bscholarly.com, the World Education Forum examined 140 nations in order to determine the best education systems based on skill development, including 38 African nations.

The report’s criteria were based on the degree of total labour competency as well as the quantity and calibre of education in each country.

The report concluded that criteria to take into account include interpersonal skills, digital literacy, and the capacity for critical and creative thought. Nelson Mandela once remarked that “the most effective tool you have to change the world is education.” What African nations have the best educational systems, then? Here are the top 10 African nations with the best educational systems, per Bscholarly.

1. Sychelles

Seychelles, an island nation in East Africa with a population of 98,347, is the first and only African nation to fully realise UNESCO’s “education for all” goal. Additionally, the nation’s educational system is the only one in Africa to be classified in the top 50 worldwide, coming in at number 43 overall, ahead of Ukraine, Hungary, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates. With 69.3 points, it is ranked as having the best educational system in Africa.

2. Tunisia

The Tunisian educational system ranks 71st among the best worldwide, with a 61.4 points rate of excellence. This country has invested 20% of its national budget into the educational sector and ranks 49th position

3. Mauritius

With 61 out of a possible 100 points, this nation has the third-best educational system in Africa and is ranked 74th globally.

4. South Africa

In South Africa, 94% of the population is literate. With 58.4 percent, this nation is ranked as the fourth-best in Africa for educational progress.

5. Algeria

The second-best education system in North Africa is found in Algeria. With 57.4, it ranks fifth best in Africa.

6. Botswana

Botswana is now ranked sixth in Africa with a score of 56.7. Additionally, it is ranked as the 92nd greatest country in the world for education.

7. Kenya

Kenya is ranked as the 95th best country in the world and seventh in Africa with 55.4 points, and its literacy rate is 78.7%.

8. Cape-Verde

With 53.3 points, Cape Verde is ranked 98th in the world in terms of educational attainment and 8th in Africa.

9. Egypt

In Africa, Egypt is ranked ninth with 52.8 points. With a 71% literacy rate, the nation is ranked as the 99th best country in the world.

10. Namibia

With a population of 2.34 million, Namibia is ranked 100th in the world in terms of educational quality and 10th in Africa with a score of 52.7.

Namibia has a literacy rate of 88.2 percent.

Business Insider, Bscholarly

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