Association Wants History At Basic Education Level

President of the Historical Society of Nigeria (HSN), Prof. Okpeh Okpeh Jnr, has said History will be re-introduced as part of basic education in Nigeria, just as he said younger Nigerians should first understand who they are before learning other things.

The renowned professor of history stated this at the 67th Annual Conference/Congress of the Historical Society of Nigeria (HSN) with the theme: Nigeria’ Historicising Our Connections as a Nation Since the Precolonial Period’.

He said, “The students are not coping, it is too rigorous. We sat down and said those challenges can be addressed by professional historians and so we decided to trim down the syllabus.

“The history our children are going to be reading is the history that emphasizes knowing yourself first. You cannot know any other person until you have known yourself.”

“So who are your heroes? From what village do you come from? Who are your elders? What are your cultures? What can of norms can be have from that culture? These are the things we are emphasising.


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