Edutorial Reporter Honoured At Campus Journalism Awards 2020

By Muhammad Auwal Ibrahim

Edutorial’s vibrant reporter and outstanding ABU campus journalist, Muhammad Auwal Ibrahim, a 200 level student of mass communication has emerged as a finalist in the just concluded annual youths digest campus journalism awards 2020.

Mal. Muhammad Auwal was awarded a certificate of excellence for being a finalist in the 3rd annual edition of the youths digest campus journalism awards 2020, held on December 12, in FCT, Abuja.

Muhammad Auwal’s entry was on the sexual harassment rocking Ahmadu Bello University, in which he portrayed the causes and proffered solutions to end sexual abuse on campus.

Campus journalism awards is an award ceremony organised by youths digest and Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC) to honour and reward student-journalists with best stories on their campuses and the society at large.

It could be recalled that on March 8, youths digest has shortlisted 30 students out of 266 entries it received for the various categories of the awards. However, due to a sudden lockdown in Abuja, it was postponed indefinitely.

By early December, the organisation has announced 12th December as the new date for the famous campus journalism awards 2020, an outstanding gathering of campus journalist.

He was awarded along with other 29 finalists amongst whom 15 emerged as winners of various categories and one campus journalist of the year.

According to him, “journalists interest is always society. Be it on campus or anywhere. I had to remove fear and wrote that article. Not for my benefit but for society. Now, I am honoured for the job well done.”

This is an encouragement for me to continue telling the truth whether I win an award or not. This shows that society is happy with what I am doing. I am really grateful. Thanks to my family and well-wishers for coming to celebrate with me.”

Muhammad Auwal Ibrahim is a fellow African investigative journalism conference (AIJC) 2020 Wits University, Johannesburg, South Africa.

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