Mathematics, Solution To Human Challenges, Says Don

A Professor of Mathematics at the University of Ilorin, Kamilu Rauf, has identified the constant use of Mathematical concepts as a panacea to socio-political and economic challenges in Nigeria.

Besides, he said Mathematics should be seen as the key with which the complexities of life could be unlocked towards achieving maximum self-progression and human development in general.

Rauf spoke while delivering the university’s inaugural lecture titled: “A brief tour into the world of inequations that rule our everyday lives.”   

While emphasising the adoption of mathematical principles as imperative to providing solutions to all human challenges, the scholar explained that mathematics has always been in the company of a man from time immemorial.

According to him, findings have revealed that the best approach out of human challenges lies in the meticulous and continuous adoption of such mathematical principles as reasoning, creativity, spatial thinking, and effective communication skills.          

Rauf explained that the more mathematical human beings are in their approach to issues, the more successful and promising they will be, noting that the challenges of life could be made simpler, easier and more bearable through mathematical innovations.

The don also explained that with the proper understanding of mathematics, man could achieve so many things.

Relying on personal experience, Prof. Rauf said the subject could be understood by constant exposure to its principles and practice, noting that most of those who find mathematics difficult do so because of poor handling by their teachers who must have handled them unprofessionally during their formative years.

He encouraged those who are willing to master the subject to ensure that they review mathematical errors, master the key concepts, and make sure that they understand their doubts before moving to the next level.

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