Meet – Dr Purity Ngina, Kenya’s Youngest Phd Holder In Biomathematics

Dr Purity ngina

In 2018, at age 28, Dr Ngina inked her name in Kenya’s history books as the youngest Kenyan to obtain a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biomathematics from Strathmore University. 

Her other qualifications include a Bachelor of Education (BEd) in Science Teacher Education and a Master of Science (MSc) in Applied Mathematics from Egerton University. 

Dr Ngina is the co-founder and CEO of Ceiling Breakers Limited, a company aimed at building young people to take up leadership positions in their respective fields and their society. 

She is currently an Assessment and Research Manager at Zizi Afrique Foundation. She is also a Start Your Impossible – Ambassador (Kenya) a campaign sponsored by Toyota to encourage humanity to break the glass ceilings. 

Dr Purity Ngina’s inviting smile and friendly ways are unique traits that allow her light to shine amidst a long line of other high achievers. These attributes allow her to stand out as a mathematical model of success that other women and young people can look to equate to their aspirations in life.

Women Power Africa

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