Edutorial Reporter Shortlisted For Climate Tracker’s COP26 Fellowship

By Muhammad Auwal  Ibrahim

Muhammad Auwal Ibrahim, an award-winning journalist, fellow AIJC20 and freelance reporter at Edutorial Magazine has been shortlisted for the Climate Tracker’s COP26 Fellowship on 24th  September 2021.

Mr. Ibrahim was shortlisted out of over 900 applications received from across the globe.

According to Senami Kojah, Africa Programmes Manager of Climate Tracker, Ibrahim made the list of the few selected journalist for the fellowship.

“Congratulations on being shortlisted as part of Climate Tracker’s COP26 Fellowship,” she said.

“We received over 900 applications and have shortlisted only a handful of people to take the next step.”

The fellows if selected will have the opportunity, “to learn from some of the best climate reporters in the world, connect with other reporters from around the world, and work on collaborative stories they can publish in their national media during COP26” said Dizzanne Billy, Outreach Manager.

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